09 November 2009

The Tale Of Two Crackers

Richard here ..

Keeping this short .. you will know my entries by the length of them.
I will keep them short and to the point (hopefully there is one).

So Nathan loved these crackers that we got, I gave him a few and then
told him no more. Isabel was taking a nap during the cracker scenario.
When Isabel got up she wanted to have some, she then shared 2 more
crackers with him. I pretended not to notice, but he was excited and I
think he has a new found joy for his bigger sister.

It has been fun playing with both kids in the hotel room, tossing them
on the bed and throwing them up in the air. It is interesting to see
Nathan start to get that both he and Isabel take turns playing.

He is really smart, learning new words already. I am also learning
what makes him tick a bit.


TanyaLea said...

SO neat to hear how Nathan is 'learning the ropes' and some new words to help him communicate. He is such a little cutie and is fitting right in with Isabel. I think they are going to make a great pair!! :)

Have a blessed week! <><

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I see a beautiful family coming together and it's very touching. I have to admit it's got me a little teary eyed. I can't wait to meet Nathan and see you guys again. I hope you have a great time. If there is anything you need now or when you get back, just ask.


FlacaS29 said...

LOL...that was too cute! I hope you have some to bring back! That can be his special little treat...wow how great it is to be something good for him! Don't let the boys get to him with their treats! LOL...